LDG Publishing

Poems About Love

©2001 LDG Publishing

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I Most Surely Do

When I looked into your eyes,
I saw the depths of your soul
I saw a most wondrous place
where a beautiful heart resides

I watched the scene unfold
A joyful pattern of sensuality
filled the air with desire unequaled
Softly your voice spoke to me

Your every breath engulfed me
like two arms denying me exit
My eyes are as open as my heart
illuimnates the pathway to our union

There our story will continue as
the song of my heart befalls your ears
As you look into my eyes may
you envision this wondrous place

We came unto each other
and the genesis of us began
Our spirits joined together as one
mine and yours becomes ours

Our journey to love is complete
so, do I love you ?

Yes, I Most Surely Do !

Oh How I Hunger

time alludes me so fast
I stare into the peaceful water
as I kneel with an aching heart.
my fingers glide upon its surface
as if the contours of your face

the sun yields to the power of night
As night time makes its entrance
its darkness tries to consume me

Oh how I hunger!

wings of birds in flight
thru patterns of rhythmic motion
replicate the movement of your hair
when it's kissed by nature's wind

the wind becomes as sensual
as the softness of your sighs
Nothing replaces the taste of your lips

And I am alright!

so I will return and await you
as the night birds sing to my heart
and the moon and stars ride high in the sky
